Thursday, 6 May 2010

Taken Opening Scene.

Looking at this particular opening sequence is very different to the other opening sequences i have been looking at. The reason why is because a the start, the credits are kept to a minimum while the film is still going. also, everything else is kept to a minimum as well, music, effects so it looks very much into getting straight into the main storyline.

The best way of how the storyline goes straight into it is how it shows emotions from the main character and what what the situation is going to involve in. This is basically what is in any opening sequence but in this film, it is not shown obviously. in the the first part, it looks at past home videos from the main characters family and on one of his daughters birthdays. this automatically signifies that the daughter is involved massively in one way of another. The way I know it is a home video is that there is an effect of thick black lines which gave the idea of a camera close up to another television. Another signifier to show that it is a home video is from the lack of quality and media compositions. These are purely just to show as memories to who is involved.

Suddenly, the scene changed to the main character waking up which is showing that the home video was simply a personal dream and memory about his family. This shows a strong contrast from happy, comfortable scene to one person in a dark room by himself so show some kind of loneliness.

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